
Friday, November 17, 2017

Our creation for paper

Hello blogging world, for our gala we had to make something to sell and we made recycled paper. It is very easy to make but in some parts it is a little tricky. This was a good thing because it was sustainable to the earth because we are not wasting paper. We are reusing it and making into more paper that is recycled paper . Paper also comes from the trees so if you put it into the ground it will just go into the dirt because it is biodegradable. We are creating Christmas cards because it is Christmas and also some seed bombs that you plant into your  garden and then it grows into a beautiful flower. Here are some photos

If you want to know how to make paper it go's like this:

What you will need to make is:

  • bucket
  • water-cold/hot
  • deckle/mould for your paper 
  • sponges/cloth 
  • 2 containners with a flat surface at the bottom 
  • used paper 
  • patients
  • masher/egg beater 
Know how you make it is:

  1. Firstly you Rip some paper a good size not to big because then you have to do a lot of hard work. After that you have to add water that is hot and then leave it over night 
  2. When you wake up your paper will be ready to mix it up with your egg beater. Then when it looks like porridge you poor it into one of your containers and add three/two buckets of water.
  3. After that you get your deckle and the sheet with it and you put them together and put your frame on top and then put it in and grab some mesh that you made and after that you let it drip dry 
  4. When it is drip drying you get your container and you flip it up side down and then you put your cloth or sponge on it.
  5. after that take the frame off and then you flip it onto the sponge then take the deckle and place another sponge/cloth on top of it and run you hand along it.
  6. Lastly take the sponge off done!
 Overall I think making paper is really fun to do because you are doing something sustainable which is good for the earth. What was hard to do was the mixing part and the ripping. But the easy/hard part was making the piece of paper. Maybe you could try making paper or you could even tell your teacher if your class could make paper one day because it is really fun to make. Maybe you could come to our celebration day and buy some of our paper from our school.
Thanks for reading 
Blog you later!💙😎

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